mandag 17. mars 2014

Workout Monday, Exercise Videos And Lipo Update (Again!)

Finally Monday and a new week right??
Sadly, since yesterday I've been sick. Think I'm having a small cold. Mostly my eyes and nose are watery, but it could be alot worse so I will not complain too much. Guess my sitting outside in Hongdae park Saturday night is the reason while I'm sick today. 

But even if I'm sick I can't help to do some exercising, but not too hardcore, just enough to make me tierd and some strenght exercise. Only few months left before summer right? 

I of course use pink clothes while exercising. Pink everything! Feel work out is alot more fun when wearing pink from top to toe. I'm also wearing face mask inside because my apartment is super small, like a hobbit house, don't wanna make my boyfriend sick also with my bacterias all over the place. I'm also sure some light exercise will make my become better sooner than if I'm just lazy watching youtube all day. 

Talking about youtube, I would like to show everyone my favorite youtube exercise videos. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there wanting to become more fit for summer, so I will share to you my best work out vidoes on youtube.

My favorite is Pump It Up. Its cardio exercise with some strenght at the end. I love this video because it's superfun and the music is great! Remember the hit song "Call on me?" a few years ago? The people behind the music video made this awesome work out video also. It will make you sweat, but still its very fun and don't feel like exercise at all. But you will feel like dying at the end!

I also love this user. She makes new fun vidoes like "Twerk exercise". So if you are bored with the same old work out Dvd's this girl have some very fun onces to try out. Dance, twerk and become fit. 

One of my other favorite youtube trainers. Her videos are fun doing, sadly she don't have that many vidoes yet, but those she have uploaded are great. Check her out

And at last Blogilates. I'm sure many know this girl already as she is becoming more famous. I love her vidoes for abs.  If any of you need inspiration for strenght exercises or want a flatter stomach make sure to see her vidoes. 

This is list of some of the vidoes I use when I work out at home. It's still some to cold for me to go out running, meanwhile I will keep watching youtube vidoes. 

This is my current stomach after the lipo I had some over a month ago. The swelling is almost all gone. I can feel my stomach is some swollen in lower part of the stomach. But it will take two more months to see a final reasult. So till then I will keep trying to get a more toned stomach, keep exercising and eating healthy. I can still feel some discomfort when exercising, my nerves in the stomach are trying to recover after surgery, but compared to just few weeks ago it's now alot better. This year I wanna buy a bikini. Thats my goal for the next months, work out, eat right, feel sexy! 

Hope my videos are helpful for someone out there. Join me and try to get more toned for summer!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Marita! I'm from the Purseblog forum and I'm wondering how your lipo is post op. Can you post a more detailed blog post about the post-op/recovery process. Thanks! I like your blog :)

  2. Nice post!! I liked this information, especially that exercise videos that you shared. I have decided to exercise regularly and would love to follow these videos. Could you provide link to download these videos?
