mandag 10. mars 2014

Short hair = feminine?

Before my semester started a week ago I went back to my favorite hairdresser here in Seoul to fix my hair to look fab for my first day back at school.
I already had short hair but I decided to go even shorter. Those who know me know that I love experimenting with different hairstyles and mostly change my look many times a year. The idea of getting short hair for the first time some months ago was very sudden and something I did not plan before my visit to the hairdresser. I just went for it.

I was sitting in the hair dresser chair after bleaching my hair from brown to blonde and my stylist asked me if I also wanted to cut my hair. I wanted to say no as always, because I'm afraid of shorter hair and I wear extensions almost everyday. But for some unknown reason my mind was thinking "Hell no" but my mouth said "Yes. Sure!". No clue why I said yes, but because I did not prepare myself for a haircut I had to find one really fast. I was looking through a gossip magazine and the first photo I found that looked different and okay-ish was this photo of Ashlee Simpson having a short bob. So short bob I got.

I walked out of the saloon looking like this, (a look-alike of my brother) blonde and lot shorter hair then I had when I entered the saloon two hours before. I spent most of that day looking myself in the mirror and letting my fingers run through whatever of hair that was left on my head. 

My boyfriend came home, yes I live with a Korean guy (taaaaboooo in Korea), and he got shocked I had cut so much of my hair off. He did say that he really loved my short hair. But also he called me "his little boy". 

This got me thinking. Does short hair = toyboy or not feminine?. Well. I must admit that if you told me few years ago that I would go short, I would laugh and told you nooo way that will ever happen as long as I live. It seems like short hair belongs to (no offense) non-femine females that don't wanna look like a female, tomboys, lesbians, woman over 30 year old, moms of 2 children, that girls my age should have long beautiful hair. At least in the "city" I'm from I almost never see any females my age that have short hair.  But after I moved here to Korea I've seen more female looking fab in shorter hair styles. That even singers or actresses have short hair also. I can't think of many celebrities back home with short styles that are not middle-aged women. Maybe being hair for two years now have changed my look on how I view fashion and what is pretty or not.

Having had short hair now since before christmas, I have getting used to not having as long as before. I have even get used to not wear my extensions everyday. I feel pretty without having to have hair down to my waist. 

Thinking it through there are many posetive sided of having shorter style than long hair.

1. I still look like a female. Despite how many people have told me, or how many times I read that females should have long hair to look feminine, I think this is wrong. With my short hair I feel I have grown from a girl to more of a woman. I can look more grown up and sexy without feeling cute and innocent as I do with my longer hair. 
2. Boys do like short hair also. It maybe is true that many boys do like female with longer hair more than those with short. But saying that all guys like long hair is wrong. Take my own boyfriend as an example. He compliments me when I go out with my short hair. That I look pretty and unique. 
3. I can still style my hair differently. Even with my hair now, I can curl it, let it be straight, add volume and all those different styles I also did when I had long hair. 
4. Styling my hair takes shoerter time than before. Take blowdrying as an example. Back when I had longer hair my blowdrying took almost an hour. Not only because of the lenght. But also because of my curly hair. Now I can fix my hair in 20 mintues and it becomes straight of blowdrying, I do not need a hair straightner after blowdrying.
5. Perfect for summer. Living here in Korea during summer with long hair is what I would call horrible. Its so humid its crazy. Long hair get sticky and always make you sweat (at least for me who is a foreigner for a colder country). Not having long hair here during summer will at least help me feel a little less warmer, and make me hopfully sweat a little less also. Remember last summer when I were walking outside, I have to hold up my hair when walking sometimes because I could feel the heat under my hair in the back and how I almost started to sweat under my hair. Not very pretty or comfortable. Itchy!
6. I can wear more makeup. This maybe sounds weird. But I feel I can pull off more extreme makeup looks without it becoming too much. If I got my long hair or extension and I decide to do more extreme makeup looks I tend too look more slutty, if thats the right word.
7. I can wear more sexy clothes. Same as with makeup. I don't look as a bimbo as before If I decide to wear something sexy for a night out.
7. I can show off my ear accessories!
8. Fixing my hair cost less. This is great! At least for someone as me who loves coloring hair. One box of my pink hair color can last me for many times. Not needing two boxes for one time as before. Money saved! 

Money saved means I can experience and keep my haircolors longer than before. Since two months ago I started to color my hair pink, as already seen in my previous enteries. 

This is now my current hair from my last trip to the hair dresser a week ago. It's a little shorter than seen on the photo above. I love the combination of short hair and cotton candy pink color. It's a cute combination. And moreover, I can tuck my hair behind my ear and show off all of my earrings easily. Why have 8 holes in my ear if I can't show them off?

I guess the whole conclusion of my entry this time is that I feel feminine with short hair. But I do understand that many girls decide to keep it long. For me, when I first cut if off I felt naked, like something was missing. And I also felt more chubby when my hair did not cover my face and shoulders any longer. Going from long to short is a big step, its a brave move as a female.  Some might feel insecure, afraid to look like a guy, afraid guys might not like it, maybe mom or grandmother saying that females should have long hair or other issues that we short hair females hear all the time. Thankfully I got a mom that love it, and a boyfriend that prefer my short style.

If awesome,funny,charming, all loved Jennifer Lawrence can do it, so can you!

Would you go short? 

Fun fact = In Korea I've heard from friends that korean females cut of their hair after a breakup with their boyfriend. Star over again with a fresh start.

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