torsdag 14. august 2014

Hanbok Sticker photos / Purikura

A few months ago (long time ago I know) I went with one of my best friends to Insadong to take sticker photos. It was actually the same day as when I took my photos at the dress up cafe. After the dress cafe me and my friend Rebecca got the idea to go to Insadong to take sticker photos because there you can wear Hanbok for free while taking pictures. This was one of the last times I saw Rebecca, sadly she had to go back to her home country, one of the reasons why we took so many pictures that day. Isn't it sad when you meet someone you like so much, and someone you become instant friend with after meeting once and then they have to move to the other side of the world? Yup, this is what have happend to me so many times during my stay in Korea. But on the bright side, she is from Sweden, therefor it's so close to my home country Norway so we know we will see each other again someday, so no worries <3 again="" alot="" and="" be="" do="" drink="" eat="" even="" fun="" going="" have="" her.="" her="" hongdae="" i="" if="" in="" know="" korea.="" miss="" nbsp="" not="" p="" same="" see="" the="" to="" will="" without="">

So I'm posting these sticker photos mostly because I'm afraid my computer will crash someday, and that I will loose the originals. That would be horrible. And a side note, the quality might not be the best, but thats fine.  At least it will be a day I will never forget.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vakre jentene<3 Savner deg så utrolig mye etter du dro tilbake:'(

  2. Do you still maintain this blog? Are you still around? Are you still in South Korea or are you home in Norway? I'm an American but my mom has traced my family back to Oslo, Norway. My mother's family name is Halvorsen and my father, whose family is also from Norway, is Sorenson. The Sorensons and the Halvorsens lived very near one another.

    I am in Washington State which is in the Northwest Corner of the United States. I have lived here all my life except for one year when we lived in the State of Texas for a year when I was a kid.

    I found this blog because of a mascara review you did and you story intrigues me. If you have a Facebook or something I can follow, I would appreciate knowing it. My own Facebook is here:
