Great news people. I finally got my cellphone!
Been living without a working cellphone since I came to Seoul. And as most females (and guys I guess too) living without a cellphone is not easy. Like, how can I gossip about the latest drama to my female friends without a phone? Impossible!!
To get a phone in Korea you must have two things.
* Alien reg.card which I've allready wrote about (I think?)
* and an korean bank account.
My alien reg.card I picked up some days ago at the immigration office before meeting up with my two awesome friends who where my classmates Yonsei. Jack and Felipe. We went eating pizza at Pizza Hut, drank coffee at a coffeshop and when Jack left me and felipe went to Norebang(karaoke room)
And yesterday before meeting up with Seul Gi again who helped me getting my phone, I went to bank alone to fix my account and check card. It was quite easy, and most people who work at banks are able too speak english. But In phone stores most people can't speak a word of english, only korean. So this is the part where you really really need a korean friend to help you out getting a phone.
Before going to buying a phone I had allready made up my mind about what phone I want. I ended up getting Samsung Galaxy S2. These days Galaxy S3 is really popular, so I had a hard choice choosing between S2 and S3, but I didn't really like the design on S3, S2 is alot prettier to look at, and for me design is very important.
So I ended up signing a Galaxy S2 contract. 50,000 won a month ( 250 NOK). Where I can use as much internet I want (which is very important for me, I love internet!) and 300 free sms. It was also like 200 minutes free calling, but Im more of an sms person, so will not use over 200 minutes calling,noooo way.
Anyway. This is what my phone looks like:
This is the front of my phone, I guess everybody has allready seen a Galaxy s2 cellphone allready. I chose it in white, because black is too boring. But still...Quite boring in white too. My old cellphone was blinged with crystals and had alot of things on it, and weighted a ton. So from going from an overblinged phone I really needed to make this one cute also. So I chose a penguin cover on my phone!( I love penguins, they are my favorite animal ever!)
This is the back of my phone. Say hallo to my cute penguin friend! I really need to give my penguin a name. Any ideas??
And what I really love about cellphones in Koreas is that all cellphones has TV! And it got alot of channels. Having a phone with tv is very useful in Korea. Atleast here in Seoul where taking the subway can sometimes take around one hour depending on where you are going. So its a great way to not feel bored while being on public transportation here.
I got myself a awesome phone right?
Have to stop writing now. Meeting up with Ingrid and her bf at Gangnam to eat dinner together in 2 hours (takes over one hour getting there, YEY for tv on phone!), really need to hurry up fixing my makeup. So talk later ~~
Ja du ordner opp du Marita,mobilen er fin den.Liker Pingu bedre enn Bling :-) Og tenker du kosa deg sammen med Jack og Felipe !!
SvarSlettYey finally! You should call it pingu or pengii or something:) Now you can post more pictures :D And blog more! You should get the blogger app for your phone. Looking forward to more updates:) Miss you beeebiiiiii!
SvarSlettJeg har vært innom bloggen din mange ganger, og elsker den! :) Jeg går andre året på vgs yrkesfag og har tenkt til å ta påbygg for så å studere på Yonsei (koreansk så klart :P ). Men er jeg nødt til å ha vitnemålet mitt fra ungdomskolen også for å sende inn, eller er det bare vgs jeg må sende inn fra? Og burde jeg allerede nå be om å få anbefalingsbrev sånn at jeg allerede har det (og ekstra hvis jeg skal fortsette på universitetet der)?
Gleder meg masse til å lese de neste postene dine, gratulerer med skolen foresten! :D
heei! takk for kommentar! hyggelig at du liker bloggen.
SvarSlettom du bare skal studere språk,trenger du bare vidregående papirer, om jeg ikke husker feil ;) om du skal studere språk trenger du ikke anbefalingsbrev, bare vitnemål. men om du skal ta andre fag enn språk, krever nesten alle skoler anbefalingsbrev.