lørdag 16. juli 2011

Kimchi: the devils food or totally awesome?

My first videoblogg people!!! And sorry the video is the WRONG way, Im a totally stupid born blonde person who sucks at recording. I recorded the wrong way, my little brain just couldnt handle it, and Im not smart enought to rotate it either! An evil circle right?

Anyway,my todays video is about Kimchi. For people who dont know kimchi is like koreans biggest pride, and all korean eats it. Its a korean sidedish that is used to ALL foods in korea, korean people must have their kimchi in every meal, if not they go nuts lol
Kimchi is made off fremented cabbage ( do I need to say more) and for me personally it taste just aweful. I know many people are big fans of Kimchi. But me, nah...
Only good think about Kimchi its that its said to be one of the most healthy foods in the world!! But even so, I would more like to eat unhealthy pizza and die of being fat.

For all those kimchi loving people out there, please dont kill me for not liking it. Im trying to make myself like it, even if its really hard. But, im sure I will never be able to. I think kimchi is a sidedish that you either love or hate. So what about you? do you think like me that kimchi is the devils food? or just totally awesome?

8 kommentarer:

  1. OMG I'm dying because I'm laughing so hard!
    You look gorgeous in your video honey<3 Have you colored your hair? Or highlighted it?
    BTW your English isn't bad!

    Miss you honey!!<3 Ohh and the necklace is gorgeous!

  2. haha dont die! XD
    I think the sun has bleached my hair naturally :O gosh I love summer XD money saved haha no need of going to hair dresser lol
    feels like my english gets really awkward when I try to record it because i feel so stupid talking to a camera hahah

    miss you also! :(
    thanks, bought it on glitter XD

  3. i love kimchi! Too bad i dont live in Korea;P Here in taiwan im always going into every restaurant that mentions kimchi! haha

  4. haha. well, i can give you all my kimchi!
    taiwan sounds cool!

  5. ahahhahaha!! i love this!!! u re my Noona!! :D u learn that disgusting saying way from me uh?! :D

  6. ofcourse i did!! you make me speaking like a trailer trash!

  7. Hei! Jeg lurte på om du kunne skive litt om studering i Korea. Hva studerer du og hvor i Korea? Og dro du til korea rett etter videregående skole? Hvilken skole går du på.
    Sorry for litt mange spørsmål, men jeg tenker på å studere selv i korea, så jeg lurte på om du kunne skrive litt om det :)

  8. kan jeg sikkert gjøre når jeg får tid til det :)
