lørdag 16. juli 2011

Kimchi: the devils food or totally awesome?

My first videoblogg people!!! And sorry the video is the WRONG way, Im a totally stupid born blonde person who sucks at recording. I recorded the wrong way, my little brain just couldnt handle it, and Im not smart enought to rotate it either! An evil circle right?

Anyway,my todays video is about Kimchi. For people who dont know kimchi is like koreans biggest pride, and all korean eats it. Its a korean sidedish that is used to ALL foods in korea, korean people must have their kimchi in every meal, if not they go nuts lol
Kimchi is made off fremented cabbage ( do I need to say more) and for me personally it taste just aweful. I know many people are big fans of Kimchi. But me, nah...
Only good think about Kimchi its that its said to be one of the most healthy foods in the world!! But even so, I would more like to eat unhealthy pizza and die of being fat.

For all those kimchi loving people out there, please dont kill me for not liking it. Im trying to make myself like it, even if its really hard. But, im sure I will never be able to. I think kimchi is a sidedish that you either love or hate. So what about you? do you think like me that kimchi is the devils food? or just totally awesome?

tirsdag 5. juli 2011

Rosetta Stone Learn Korean

Wanna practise a new language without having to go to classes to learn it? Have you thinking about buying Rosetta Stone Learn Korea? 

Well...............Then let me tell you what i think about Rosetta Stone first.

I have done level 2 now of Rosetta Stone learn korean (not tried level 1!)....and must say I think maaaybe this would be waste of money for those people who know no korean from before. Rosetta Stone is a langauge program where you will learn langauge by looking at pictures,so you will memorize words etc by watching the same picture 84304832 times. I have allready learn alot of korean grammar, expressions etc, so for me I think its an okay program because I can learn new words. But if you are a beginner with no knowlage of korean, there is many important grammar etc you will not learn. And there is also no explanation of new words or sentences in this program, so if you dont understand the new words from seeing the pictures that are beeing showed it can be hard. So you better buy an dictionary at the same time lol.
And also have to mention that many of the pictures are hard to understand. So if you do know the words, grammar I still sometimes click on the wrong picture because they are so weird.

So for those who wanna learn korean, if you can find good books, I think it would be an much better option if you wanna learn korean that you can actually use later. Ofcourse its good to know what a "book" or an "apple" is etc, but it hard to use those world without knowing how to build a sentence. 

But for you out there like me, who does know some korean, maybe you will find it alittle helpful by either learning new words, or use this program as an reminder of things you have learned in the past (words you maybe have forgotten etc!)

Pictures from Rosetta Stone learn korean: 

So there you go!! If you do want to try Rosetta Stone you should check out their webpage where you can buy it, or do the cheap way, download it illegal ( Maaaybe not the smartest idea, but hey! Im sure Jail got yummy and FREE foods!!!)

Anyone else tried it? what did you think about Rosetta Stone??


Im thinking about starting to also make some videos about korean stuff, my experiences,things I have done,or will do in Korea...Or just talking random about korean stuff....What to you guys think?? 
Videoes are almost always more cool than pictures! Right?! 
So now I just need to get paid from work so I can buy my new digital camera with better recording than the old one I have now..(so old it can soon be in a museum).
That was all fooolks!

søndag 3. juli 2011

Bored???Dance to some kpop!

Are you bored as I am right now??

Then get your butt out of the chair, bed or wherever you are sitting right now and shake that butt instead!
Yes, its dancing time!!

What better way to kill some time than dance? not only is it fun to learn some dancemooves to show off to your friends so they can envy you like crazy, but its good for your body also (watching computer + getting exercise = perfect!)

So here you go:

Find your favourite kpop songs and dance, do yourself and you body a favor at the same time! 
What are your favourite kpop danceroutine?? 
Mine is Madonna- Secret!